2021 Cyber Predictions

With 2021 fast approaching, cyber security has been a growing concern throughout 2020, and has been a priority throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic for businesses adapting to home working.

What does the cyber security landscape look like for the year ahead? What are the main risks and considerations for businesses? Below are a few predictions.

  1. COVID-19 accelerated businesses plans for digital transformation and therefore, added vulnerabilities

When looking at 2020 for technology growth and adoption by businesses, it is undeniable that there has been a monumental increase. Businesses had to adapt to new ways of remote working which meant implementing and investing in new technology, and digital change. In 2021, however, we can be sure that businesses will still be adapting and investing further, and with new technology and change within a business comes increased risk. New technology can often create vulnerabilities to be exploited by cybercriminals. Our advice would be to not implement new technology and systems overnight without full research and set up to ensure it is not going to cause new problems!

  1. Remote workers will be the main target for Cyber Criminals

Cybercriminals have had a lot of practice throughout 2020 to target remote workers. Hackers will always follow and pick on the easiest targets to get results. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, forced remote working means data is more easily accessible and security, in most cases, has been weakened due to the transition. In 2021, we are going to see a further increase in targeting as businesses continue to work remotely. Be prepared to increase your security against data breaches, malware, and phishing attacks. Our best advice would be to ensure employees are not using their own personal devices, but if unavoidable make sure to implement a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device Policy). Finally, ensure VPN usage by all employees to avoid data interception.