
A policy contains numerous ideas or a plan of what should be done in certain situations. Businesses generally have policies relating to HR and finance but are lacking in security policies. An information security policy is used to describe a set of rules, inclusive of allowed and disallowed behaviour for its information systems and assets[…]

Security Updates

The Equifax breach in which 143 million Americans had their Social Security numbers and home addresses exposed was caused by a vulnerability that had been publicly disclosed 2 months prior. Updates in software occur to fix various issues, inclusive of security vulnerabilities and updates should be performed as soon as possible from their release date.[…]

E-mail security

E-mails are a part of our everyday life, we use them to keep in contact with people all around the world, use them to monitor online shopping and much more. With an estimated 3.4 billion phishing e-mails sent per day and accounting for approximately 90% of all data breaches, security of e-mails is imperative to[…]