Supply Chain Security

Most organisations depend on suppliers to deliver services, systems and products. You probably have several suppliers; it is how we do business.   Supply chains can be large and complex, involving many suppliers doing many different things. Effectively securing the supply chain can be hard because vulnerabilities can be inherent or introduced and exploited at any[…]

Our top 10 cyber tips

As cyber threats are ever increasing in complexity, intensity and frequency, we have compiled below our top 10 tips that every business can follow to help improve your cyber resilience. Passwords should be different for each account in order to avoid one cracked password compromising all accounts. Consider using a password management programme such as[…]

cashback scams

Cashback Scams

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday going live this week we thought it would be useful to advise on the cashback prompts on various e-commerce websites such as Moonpig. Reported to have started earlier this year, various e-commerce websites have been troubling users with cashback offer popups during their shopping process. An example can be seen below:  Many[…]