Knowing your Cyber Security approach

Cyber Security is a large market filled with products and services. It can be difficult to identify which approach is best suited for your business, and what will offer the highest value for your investment. Our article this week aims to help you to feel more confident exploring the wide variety of products and services, understanding how they may potentially affect your business, and how to move forward after identifying these.

The first, and arguably the most important first step is to highlight the key areas of your business which may be at risk. Do you have a publicly accessible data source? Is your infrastructure bespoke or outdated? Are you looking to make changes to your systems for compliance? Identifying which areas are the highest priority for your business will help you to home in on products and services which directly address the problem you are faced with. At this stage, consider business expansion and try to consider what security considerations you have established, so this can be discussed with a professional when you choose your supplier.

Once you have a clear idea of what you are hoping to address, the second step is to approach companies with these capabilities and discuss your requirements. Depending on the circumstances, different companies may have a different approach to your concern and discussing requirements with each of these will help you to clearly highlight the end result you are aiming to achieve.

While the Cyber Security market can feel daunting to approach, the process is made substantially easier with a clear vision of your own business risk and strategy. Discussing requirements with security suppliers will help you to understand the best approach for this and, if it is ever applicable, the supplier may highlight a different risk that may have been overlooked.