Social Engineering pt. 1

Social Engineering is a term used to describe the process of socially manipulating someone into providing information or access to a variety of physical and digital assets. There are a variety of techniques that can be leveraged to be able to successfully perform social engineering. This article is broken into two parts, with the first[…]

Cyber Risk for businesses

NTT Security have posted their Risk:Value 2019 report to update on Cyber Security progression within business. The report is filled with surprising and insightful statistics that can help those interested in Cyber Security gain a better understanding of the state that businesses are currently in. For a long time, many businesses and individuals have been[…]

SQL Injection Attacks

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language that is used to communicate with databases, it can perform numerous tasks such as removing, adding and deleting information within the database by using the relevant SQL commands. SQL Injection is a common type of attack that allows malicious actors use to execute malicious SQL statements that[…]


A firewall blocks network communication by looking at the address and protocol information contained within the packets. As the packet arrives at the firewall, the address and protocol information are checked against the rules programmed into the firewall. These rules can either be supplied by the vendor or created by the administrator. If there is[…]

Active Directory

Active Directory (AD) is a service developed with the intention of allowing interconnection of devices within a network. Active Directory offers management capabilities from a centralised location, and stores information about members of the domain including the users, access rights, digital assets and much more. Group Policy (GP) is a separate utility that is available[…]